Church governance Church Manual Congregationalism Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White General Conference Insubordination Polity Repentance Seventh-day Adventist Church Unilateral Action United Methodist Church Utrecht General Conference Session 1995 Wayne Kablanow Women's Ordination

Congregationalism—How will it end?

Pastor Wayne Kablanow has been observing trends, and identifies an important part of what is going on behind the drive for Women’s Ordination. Hint: It is a different form of church governance. Curious about his article? FIND IT HERE.

Complimentarian Diane Kobor Ellen G. White Headship Mothers Submission Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

That the Word of God Be Not Blasphemed

Diane Kobor shares a serious study of the kinds of evangelistic work outlined as ideal for women—and takes exception to mistaken ideas about women in ministry! FIND IT HERE.

Ellen G. White Equality Genesis Headship John Witcombe Male-sex specific roles Seventh-day Adventist Church Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

The Curse That Redeems

What does Ellen White tell us about the the designed relation between Adam and Eve and the effect of the Fall upon that relationship? Pastor John Witcombe takes a brief look in “The Curse That Redeems.” FIND IT HERE

Ellen G. White Gerita Liebelt Lonny Liebelt Political correctness Women's Ordination

Golden Opportunities

Lonny and Gerita Liebelt notice several occasions in the New Testament where divine intervention by God through His church very easily could have helped bring clarification or change in terms of ordaining women. What happened in these cases? Follow along and see. FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination General Conference Headship Hermeneutic of Suspicion Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Neo-Protestant Postmodernism Unity

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 8: Last Bits, On Unity, Conclusion

This is the concluding article in the “Foundations of Women’s Ordination” series. Final notes on biblical interpretation, the impact of postmodernism on the WO question, on unity and what the church will have to decide. Read this important concluding article! FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Daniel Augsberger Denis Fortin Donna Jeane Haerich Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza Ellen G. White Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination Gender Hermeneutic of Suspicion Heteropatriarchalism Heterosexism Historical-Critical Method Homosexuality Jacques Doukhan Jerry Moon Jo Ann Davidson Larry Kirkpatrick Larry Richards Mainstream Feminist Theology Nancy Vyhmeister North American Division (NAD) Patriarchy Paul Jewett Peter van Bemmelen Randall Wisbey Raymond F. Cottrell Richard Davidson Rio Document 1986 Robert Johnston Rosemary Radford Ruether Russell Staples Seminary Seventh-day Adventist Church The President's Report The Welcome Table Trisha Famisaran Walter Douglass Women in Ministry

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 7: Feminist Theology in Adventism

Part 7 in an 8 part series offers reviews of The Welcome Table and of Women in Ministry, the two most prominent pro-Women’s Ordination books published in the Adventist Church. After the first six articles in the series, this one at last brings things together to show how Feminist Theology has manifest itself in the Adventist Church. FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Edward Krentz Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza Ellen G. White Eta Linnemann Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination Galatians Heteropatriarchalism Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Liberation Theology Marcella Althaus-Reid Oppressed class Ordination Without Regard to Gender Queer Theology R. Guy Erwin Rio Document 1986 Rosemary Radford Ruether Roy Clements Virginia R. Mollenkott

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 5: Homosexual Theological Entailments

Pastor Kirkpatrick continues his in-depth series in part 5. It has often been alleged (and as often denied) that the theology that sustains the ordination of women also leads inevitably to the acceptance of homosexuality in the church. Is this so? What do those pushing for homosexual “rights” in the church themselves say about the hermeneutics and approach to biblical interpretation? THis is another MSUT READ article. FIND IT HERE.

Complimentarian Ellen G. White Fathers Gender Gerita Liebelt Mothers

Our Inalienable Rights

Being male and being female are special. Gerita Leibelt outlines how special! FIND IT HERE.

Clinton L. Schultz Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White General Conference Gleaner Hebrews North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) NPUC Executive Committee Philippians Repentance Unity

Artful Dissembling

In “Artful Dissembling: A Plea for Change of Direction Regarding Recent North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Actions and Statements,” Pastor Clinton L. Schultz zeros-in on two-message-sending language used in the Gleaner, and its immediate consequences for unity in the field. Are some leaders, convinced they are right, contaminating others in the field with an independent spirit? Does loose language in the Union paper need to change? FIND IT HERE.

1 Peter Ellen G. White Gender Heterosexism Lonny Liebelt Patriarchy Repentance Titus

A Call to Repentance

Lonny Liebelt recently considered a presentation made at a Seventh-day Adventist church that pled for us to repent of patriarchy and heterosexism. After further reflection, he agrees that there is much for us to repent of, although not necessarily as that presenter suggested. Provided on is his call to repentance. FIND IT HERE.