Ginger Harwood Homosexuality Insubordination North American Division (NAD) Northern California Conference Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Political correctness The larger issues Women's Ordination

"Ordained" Woman Pastor Baptizes Lesbian SDA “Married” to Lesbian Member. NCC Takes No Substantive Action

0n July 14, 2014, Alice Silva and Amber Machado were “married,” with Alice taking Amber’s last name. In June 2016 Alice Machado became a baptized member in the Chico Seventh-day Adventist church in Northern California Conference (NCC). Amber Machado was already a baptized member of the Chico church.
Ginger Harwood baptized Alice Machado at the Chico Church. Harwood holds a commissioned minister credential through the Pacific Union Conference. Harwood was “ordained” as a Seventh-day Adventist minister in 2013 in a rebel ordination service held at the La Sierra University church in Riverside, California. The Seventh-day Adventist Church never has and currently does not practice the ordination of women to the gospel ministry. In a November 8, 2016 email stated to be from NCC president Jim Pedersen to a concerned member, Pedersen wrote

The SDA Church continues to call all people to a saving relationship with Jesus, including baptism. There is also an understanding that members are not yet perfect, including those who get baptized – but there is a growth experience as we become more like Christ. The LGBT discussion continues to expand and be defined by the church, upholding the biblical foundation of marriage.

Now, three years later, “ordained” pastor Harwood has baptized a practicing lesbian into the Seventh-day Adventist church.
And we were told that accepting women’s ordination would never lead to this.
Interestingly, 23 years ago Harwood wrote a chapter in The Welcome Table, a book promoting the ordination of women. Back then she saw that those who opposed women’s ordination felt that, “such changes will alter our core identity” (p. 271). In that book, Harwood’s is perhaps the most credible, measured, and fair-minded chapter. And yet, two decades later she is bringing into church membership a person whom she must have known to be currently “married” to another woman. This is what is so chilling. If just twentyish years of journey brings one of the coolest heads and most rational among supporters of women’s ordination to the place of baptizing a lesbian, where has the same passage of time taken those more radical?
To baptize a practicing lesbian is something new for the Adventist Church. To embrace it would be to engage in change of Adventist core identity. One wonders if Harwood would have thought 23 years ago that this is where she would be today.
People who are convinced that their view is correct act on those beliefs. It is inevitable. What is happening in Northern California Conference right now is a time-machine to the future. These events are foretelling what will be happening in your Conference tomorrow if the current beliefs promoted by the current leadership of the Pacific Union and the North American Division are permitted to play out. Members in local conferences need to do what Seventh-day Adventist Church president Ted N.C. Wilson called for in his 2010 address to the Church:

Seventh-day Adventist Church members, hold your leaders, pastors, local churches, educators, institutions, and administrative organizations accountable to the highest standards of belief based on a literal understanding of Scripture.

There is a linkage between the theology of women’s ordination and queer theology. While this is denied on the one hand, we see it turned into practice on the other. People who are convinced that their view is correct act on those beliefs. There are two opposite approaches to biblical interpretation in the Church, and there are two different sets of actual beliefs and practices which stem from them. God’s Church stands at the door of pluralism and paganism.
For more extensive information, see

NOTE: Errors corrected and two new paragraphs added.

Anglican Realignment Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Doctrine of the Church Ecclesiastical authority Feminist Theology Homosexuality Liberation Theology Ordination Without Regard to Gender Political correctness Redemptive movement hermeneutic The larger issues Woman elders Women's Ordination

Liberation Theology in The Episcopal Church 1970-2016

The article linked to by this post is a case study, made up of several timelines, showing the process of change in TEC (The Episcopal Church) which led them to their today where they are ordaining practicing homosexuals. The material is extensive. It covers TEC from before the ordination of women, into 2016 and the development of present LGBTQ issues in that church. TEC is not the SDA Church, but there are many useful things to learn from the sequence of developments there. If we are careful, we will not repeat the mistakes of others, no matter how well meaning they were so many years ago. We are sure that few Episcopalians in 1970 imagined where fateful decisions made along the way would lead their church in 2016!

Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Distinct roles Doctrine of the Church Ecclesiastical authority ELCA Homosexuality Ordination Without Regard to Gender Political correctness Presbyterian Church USA Seventh-day Adventist Church Women's Ordination

PCUSA Reeling After Gay Embrace

Set to lose 400,000+ members in five years

Can Seventh-day Adventists learn from the history of others? The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) approved the ordination of women as elders in 1929 and as ministers in 1956. In 2013 its General Assembly approved the ordination of openly gay persons to ministry. Predictably, in 2014 the church redefined marriage as a covenant uniting two persons (rather than as uniting a husband and wife). These actions were ratified in 2014 and 2015 respectively.
It was anticipated that membership would increase on the basis of this more “inclusive” denominational stance. What actually occurred was that the Presbyterian Church USA lost a quarter of a million members in 2013 and is projecting average losses between 75,000 and 100,000 members annually in the 2015-2020 period. The following membership numbers are based upon a PCUSA budgeting presentation.

2012 2,004,192 (- 82,952)
2013 1,921,240 (-254,473)
2014 1,666,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2015 1,566,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2016 1,466,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2017 1,391,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2018 1,316,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2019 1,241,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2020 1,166,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
(Source: PCUSA Budgeting slide:

Some of this decline is based on the death of aging members. Still, this would only account for a limited portion. The extraordinary projections almost certainly reflect anticipation of continued exodus of members to more conservative Presbyterian bodies. These include the Presbyterian Church of America (formed in 1973 and rejects women’s ordination), Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians formed in 2012. As of November 13, 2015, ECO included 231 congregations.
Meanwhile, according to apportionment numbers, even with 3% annual increases in 2017-2020, PCUSA will substantially exhaust most of its financial resources by the close of that period.
Women’s ordination weakens a body, SOGI issues (Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity) destroy it. In 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America approved both same-sex “marriage” and the ordination of gay clergy, only to loose more than 600 congregations in the next two years. PCUSA and ELCA seem engaged in a competition over which denomination will be the first to be completely dissolved.
UPDATE 2016-02-11: There are varying reports about membership loss numbers as reflected in comments in links below. It in not completely clear which numbers are more correct, although the large 2013 numbers we draw from the budget department slide could reflect the same-sex “marriage decision and its straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back effect and rise of ECO. Either way, we hold that this demonstrates a correlation between the pro-gay decisions and the exodus from PCUSA. Those wishing to follow up more closely can peruse the links provided by brother Pickle in his post. –Admin

Biblical Interpretation Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Complimentarian Congregationalism Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Distinct roles Don Mackintosh Ecclesiastical authority Ellen G. White Eugene Prewitt General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Headship Historical-grammatical method Homosexuality Ingo Sorke Kevin D. Paulson Laurel Damsteegt Male-sex specific roles Netherlands Union North American Division (NAD) Ohio Conference Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Political correctness Seneca Falls Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) TOSC position one Trans-European Division (TED) United Methodist Church Unity Utrecht General Conference Session 1995 Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Leaders speak out on WO

VIDEO SPECIAL! In this video several participants from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) share their responses to current questions about women’s ordination and the future of the church. Includes interviews with Laurel Damsteegt, Don Mackintosh, Kevin D. Paulson, Eugene Prewitt, David Read, Daniel Scarone, Ingo Sorke. LENGTH: One hour, 21 minutes.

1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Acts CAP authors Church governance Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Congregationalism Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ecclesiastical authority Ephesians Gender General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Insubordination Jim Brackett Netherlands Union North American Division (NAD) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Political correctness Polity Romans SECC constituency meeting Seventh-day Adventist Church Submission Theological pluralism Trans-European Division (TED) Unilateral Action Unity Wayne Kablanow Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Women's ordination and congregationalism

Prs. Wayne Kablanow and Jim Brackett discuss women’s ordination. Is WO as we have seen its proponents attempting to introduce it to the church today, actually congregationalism just at a larger scale? Is letting each division decide independently in essence the same as letting each congregation decide independently? Kablanow and Brackett work their way into the topic carefully in this extended study. Unity in diversity is discussed. The core biblical components of unity are uncovered. 32 minutes. Pr. Kablanow is a successful church planter, presently serving West Plains in Airway Heights and also the Spokane North View churches.

CAP authors Church Manual Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Doctrine of Unity Ecclesiastical authority Gender General Conference Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Netherlands Union Ordination Without Regard to Gender Political correctness Queer Theology Sam Allberry Same-sex attraction Trans-European Division (TED) Unilateral Action Unity Women's Ordination

Homosexuality or Christianity?

Netherlands Union again places itself in opposition to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick considers recent developments in Netherlands Union and the threat they pose to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Bible and the world church says that same-sex intimacy is immoral, but the Netherlands Union has another idea. They are again acting unilaterally to oppose the position of the world church. Read why their approach cannot continue. FIND THE ARTICLE HERE.

Ellen G. White Gerita Liebelt Lonny Liebelt Political correctness Women's Ordination

Golden Opportunities

Lonny and Gerita Liebelt notice several occasions in the New Testament where divine intervention by God through His church very easily could have helped bring clarification or change in terms of ordaining women. What happened in these cases? Follow along and see. FIND IT HERE.