Pr. Larry Kirkpatrick has the take-away from the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference session held in San Antonio Texas, July 2-11. Kirkpatrick explains why the session as a whole was the world church confirming the longstanding Seventh-day Adventist hermeneutic sustaining the plain reading of the Bible.
Many are saying that San Antonio doesn’t matter. They wish. We encourage readers to review the article here and see if the idea that San Antonio doesn’t matter is valid or not.
There are impacts in both the short and long term. There is an impact on mission. And it is all good.
Click here and find out!
Category: TOSC position two
Engel Yoder offers an important analysis of Ty Gibson’s Exegesis Regarding Women’s Ordination. Yoder considers the Bible and Ellen G. White passages employed by Gibson. This is truly a MUST READ kind of article!
TOSC Papers Linked
The PDF format document you can download below is three pages long and facilitates study of the Theology of Ordination Study Committee papers prepared in the study process accomplished in 2013-2014. The papers are organized into columns so that you can see which ones support TOSC position 1, 2 or 3. The papers are referenced and hyperlinked so that all can investigate the materials that have been prepared supporting the various positions.
We would like to express our appreciation to Laurel Damsteegt, who served on TOSC and who provides this useful study guide.