1 Peter 1 Timothy CAP authors Congregationalism Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Equality Exodus Genesis Headship Hebrews Louis R Torres Numbers Priesthood of all believers Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Priesthood of Believers

Louis R. Torres takes a look at a phrase commonly used (“Priesthood of all believers”, but probes a bit deeper in this short article. FIND IT HERE.

Clinton L. Schultz Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White General Conference Gleaner Hebrews North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) NPUC Executive Committee Philippians Repentance Unity

Artful Dissembling

In “Artful Dissembling: A Plea for Change of Direction Regarding Recent North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Actions and Statements,” Pastor Clinton L. Schultz zeros-in on two-message-sending language used in the Gleaner, and its immediate consequences for unity in the field. Are some leaders, convinced they are right, contaminating others in the field with an independent spirit? Does loose language in the Union paper need to change? FIND IT HERE.