Larry Kirkpatrick compares two viewpoints on human sexuality: the creation viewpoint (or essentialist or complementarian), and the constructionist. One view holds that humans are fundamentally male or female and that this is part of the created order. Another view holds that human sexuality is humanly constructed and therefore shifting, flexible, mash-up-able and humanly redefineable. Does the constructionist approach led itself to targeting institutions with an agenda of societal “transformation”? Part one opens this discussion.
FIND THE ARTICLE HERE: Women in male roles, pt. 1.
CAP authors Complimentarian Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Cultural reconstructions Culturally driven Distinct roles Gender gender-inclusive language General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Genesis Headship Heteropatriarchalism Heterosexism Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Male-sex specific roles Ordination Without Regard to Gender Patriarchy Queer Theology Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theological pluralism Women in Ministry Women's Ordination