Androcentric Atonement Betty Frieden Biblical Interpretation Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza Experience Feminist Theology Hermeneutic of Suspicion Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Mainstream Feminist Theology Neo-Protestant Rosemary Radford Ruether Second Wave Feminist Theology Simone de Beauvoir

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 4: Second Wave Feminist Theology

Larry Kirkpatrick continues his series, this time coming to some core concerns. This article outlines what might be called Mainstream Feminist Theology, and looks particularly at the theology of Rosemary Radford Ruether and Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza. It is important to note that the theology outlined in this article forms the core of Feminist Theology; virtually all contemporary theological influence in this vein truly begins here. If you read only one article in the series, read this one. FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Doctrine of Holy Scripture Experience Gustavo Guttierez Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Leonardo Boff Liberation Theology Marxist class analysis Oppressed class Preference for the poor Roman Catholic Church

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 3: Liberation Theology

Larry Kirkpatrick continues his series giving the theological foundations behind the push for Women’s Ordination. Liberation Theology is the framework upon which hangs contemporary Feminist and Queer Theologies begin. FIND IT HERE.