About us

The purpose of OrdinationTruth.com is to support the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the territories included in the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Upper Columbia, Idaho, and Montana Conferences). In particular, we are led to give voice to the understanding of Seventh-day Adventists who (1) seek to work in harmony with the world church as represented by the General Conference, and (2) who cannot conscientiously support as an appropriate practice Women’s Ordination in the present situation.
Many of us see in Scripture a beautiful, complimentarian ideal, men and women equal before Him, yet filling unique, divinely-designed gender roles. As we harmonize with the Designer, Christian experience will be enhanced, God’s blessing will attend His Church, and unity can be strengthened within the NPUC.
The ministry of OrdinationTruth.com is offered by Seventh-day Adventist church members involved in all levels of church life within the region served by the NPUC. In particular, OrdinationTruth.com is led by the supporting pastors. List of OrdinationTruth.com supporting pastors.
UPDATE. See our News Release from 2013-10-25 describing our broadened mission http://ordinationtruth.com/2013/10/25/announcing-council-of-adventist-pastors-cap/