Annual Council General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church Ted N.C. Wilson Unity

Illuminate the Earth with God's Glory

Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson is president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The above presentation was delivered on October 12 at 2013, just preceding Annual Council, in Silver Spring, MD USA.

Church Manual Columbia Union Conference (CUC) D 10 delegated authority Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity E-60 General Conference General Conference Working Policy Headship Insubordination Ohio Conference Oregon Conference Pacific Union Conference (PUC) SECC Seventh-day Adventist Church Southeastern California Conference Unity Upper Columbia Conference Women's Ordination

Required Church Manual and Bylaws president text

The NPUC Supporting Pastors/CAP (name explanation forthcoming) sat down and checked what several years of Church Manuals as well as the current governing documents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church say about the requirements for the leader of a conference or union. Perhaps readers as constituents of our conferences and unions are interested in the results? Then read Required Church Manual and Bylaws President Text.

General Conference Guisèle Berkel-Larmonie Netherlands Union Northern German Union Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Sandra Roberts Sandy Roberts SECC Seventh-day Adventist Church Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unilateral Action Unity Wim Altink Women's Ordination

Netherlands Union, SECC, Women's Ordination unilateral action

On November 11, 2012, the Netherlands Union constituency voted to approve the ordination of women, and the conference executive committee made that decision effective on May 30, 2013 and announced the action publically on July 5, 2013. These actions were contrary to General Conference voted policy (1995 and 2000), in reality a path of insubordination also taken by the Columbia and Pacific Unions in the US and the Northern German Union in Europe.
On September 21, the Netherlands Union unilaterally acted on their earlier decision. Union president Wim Altink charged ordination candidates to faithful service after which hands were laid on them, one being Ms. Guisèle Berkel-Larmonie. The ordination ceremony was conducted in Christus Koning church in the Hague, Netherlands.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) is a world body. In the SDA church, ordination to the gospel ministry carries worldwide authority. The church of 17+ million members seeks out biblical consensus and makes key decisions collectively, including the decision of whether or not women are eligible for ordination. Since the beginning of the church it has never adopted the practice of ordaining women as ministers with global authority. A decision to change this can only be made in a General Conference session. Such meetings occur every five years, next in 2015. After prayerful study and deliberation, thousands of delegates representing every part of the Lord’s vineyard vote in a decision binding upon every part of the world church.
For union or conference officers to participate in such an ordination as happened in Netherlands is in contradiction to the practice of the world church. For a candidate to receive ordination illegally—or for other ordained ministers to offer it—is a repudiation of the call to be a faithful servant to Jesus through His body, the church.
In another action, related yet unilateral in a different way, the Southeastern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SECC) is recommending to its constituents that they vote Ms. Sandra Roberts as their new conference president on October 27. The Seventh-day Adventist Church does not presently accept the ordination of women as clergy. If that conference should elect Ms. Roberts, they, as Netherlands Union, will by their actions be increasing the fragmentation and disunity of the church.
Ms. Roberts, since the NAD/GC does not recognise her as an ordained minister, cannot be recognized as a conference president. This is certainly known by all parties including the SECC nominating committee.
In fact, neither of the insubordinate actions described in this post are recognized as valid by the world church. Such actions should be seen for what they are—symbolic political statements endeavoring to increase pressure on the General Conference to approve Women’s Ordination.
The General Conference has already made clear its position. A study process is in progress (Theology of Ordination Study Committee) moving toward the General Conference session in San Antonio, TX USA in 2015. The leadership of the world church has asked units of the church, in the interest of unity, not to act unilaterally.

“The 1990(3) and 1995(4) General Conference Session decisions with respect to granting ministerial ordination to women represent the current voice of the Church in this matter. The actions of certain unions indicate their desire to establish an alternative source of authority for a matter that already carries the authority of the world Church” (“An Appeal for Unity in Respect to Ministerial Ordination Practices,”

“The essence of unity in Seventh-day Adventist organizational functioning is the mutual commitment of all organizations to collective decision-making in matters affecting the whole family—and the acceptance of those decisions as the authority of the Church. The action of any union in pursuing a different course of action represents a rejection of this key value in denominational life” (Ibid.).

In this document, our Seventh-day Adventist leaders made four specific appeals to erring units:

1. That your union continues to operate in harmony with the global decisions and global decision-making processes of the Church.
2. That until such time as the Church decides otherwise, your union refrains from taking any action to implement ministerial ordination practices that are contrary to the 1990 and 1995 General Conference Session actions.
3. That the union membership be informed concerning the implications for the entire Church in the event that one entity, for whatever reason, chooses a course of action in deliberate opposition to a decision of the whole Church.
4. That the union actively participates in the global discussion about the Church’s understanding and practice of ordination. The contributions of a union in this discussion can be forwarded to the Theology of Ordination Study Committee through the respective Ordination Study Committee set up by each division (Ibid.).

As seen in the Netherlands Union and potential SECC actions, these units are aggressively pursuing a course in contradiction to items 1, 2 and 3 above. The issue seems to have a power almost to charm individuals. Recently, Trans-European Divison president Bertil Wiklander, after an impassioned presentation in favor of Women’s Ordination, stated “I am converted completely to what I said tonight. I would die for it.” (“Ordination: The Ongoing Search for Understanding,”, accessed 2013-09-25).
We can be sure that God is still leading His church on a worldwide basis. The church has a process in motion to resolve the questions surrounding the practice of Women’s Ordination and the spirit which has so far attended it. Heartfelt appeals have been made and still stand. We may pray that these units will return to the family they seem bent on leaving. There is still time to return.

Consensus Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity General Conference Priesthood of all believers Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unity Women's Ordination

Reaction: TOSC Consensus Statement on SDA Theology of Ordination

By staff
Last week the General Conference’s Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) met in its second substantial meeting and voted 86-8 to approve a consensus statement concerning ordination. We are interested in the developing thought of the committee seen in the areas touched by this document.
In the first of five paragraphs, all members of the church are included in a “royal priesthood.” Believers are called by God and engage in the God-appointed mission of the body. They serve according to the gifts God bestows.
The next paragraph makes clear that beside this general ministry, there are more particularized kinds. There is ministry in terms of “specific leadership positions.” These are on the basis of particular “biblical qualifications,” among them, those sex-specific items found in 1 Timothy 3:1-12 and Titus 5-9. Persons are called to serve in these “offices” for “local and global church ministry.” This is amplified by recognition in the document that “some leaders were itinerant and supervised greater territory with multiple congregations” (third paragraph).
One argument that has been urgent to some of those favoring either the ordination of women or a significant overhaul of the Adventist understanding of it, has been that ordination, as it has been practiced by Adventists, is little more than an error emanating from a Roman Catholic tradition that we have copied unwittingly.
This idea is seen, for example, in the 1998 volume, Women in Ministry (WIM). Daniel Augsberger’s chapter “Clerical Authority and Ordination in the Early Christian Church,” closed arguing that

By mid-fourth century the bishops had taken over the power to preach and the authority to judge Christians. . . Clericalism had triumphed. . . . Adventist ordination that is valid worldwide reflects a later,
Augustinian concept of ordination (p. 96).

The idea represented here has been that anything approaching ordination as Seventh-day Adventists have understood it is wrong. Especially here, the new consensus statement is of special interest. The statement rejects this idea found both in WIM and in more recent discussions. The committee concludes rather that the basic Adventist approach is
consonant with Scripture; it is valid. This, then, is an important point of clarification: there is an identifiable biblical approach to this question, and the present Adventist Church position is confirmed.
More might be said. But as we look on and consider the development of this consensus, we see a position whose shapers have sought to develop in a manner biblically defensible. Interestingly, the statement as voted has room for both a baseline equality of men and women, even while honoring distinct, differentiated, creation-assigned sex-roles.
As earlier mentioned, here already is a trend away from the position of the chapter in WIM and toward a more biblical one. Not only has the world church never indicated progress toward the position of the WIM book, but here is seen movement away from that position. We concur that there is a kind of biblically consistent ordination, there is a royal priesthood in which we as believers participate, and at the same time, there are roles which are Scripturally mediated by specific qualifications.
We encourage church members to continue to lift up TOSC participants in prayer. We have added the TOSC consensus statement to our growing list of resources available on Download it here:
TOSC-Theology of Ordination Consensus Statement.

Biblical Interpretation Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination General Conference Headship Hermeneutic of Suspicion Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Neo-Protestant Postmodernism Unity

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 8: Last Bits, On Unity, Conclusion

This is the concluding article in the “Foundations of Women’s Ordination” series. Final notes on biblical interpretation, the impact of postmodernism on the WO question, on unity and what the church will have to decide. Read this important concluding article! FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Divino Afflante Spiritu Doctrine of Holy Scripture Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Liberation Theology Neo-Protestant North American Division (NAD) Protestant Roman Catholic Church Sola Scriptura Unity Utrecht General Conference Session 1995

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 1: Orientation to the Scriptures

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick has prepared a unique series of articles titled “Foundations of Women’s Ordination.” These articles outline the theological underpinnings of the movement which, if its goal is obtained, would lead to the ordination of women as pastors in male-headship positions the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This history and theology begins outside the church, has its own goals, and is intended to transform both world and church. We have scheduled these to appear throughout June.
Part 1 in the series focuses on our “Orientation to the Scriptures.” FIND IT HERE.

Clinton L. Schultz Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ellen G. White General Conference Gleaner Hebrews North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) NPUC Executive Committee Philippians Repentance Unity

Artful Dissembling

In “Artful Dissembling: A Plea for Change of Direction Regarding Recent North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Actions and Statements,” Pastor Clinton L. Schultz zeros-in on two-message-sending language used in the Gleaner, and its immediate consequences for unity in the field. Are some leaders, convinced they are right, contaminating others in the field with an independent spirit? Does loose language in the Union paper need to change? FIND IT HERE.

Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Headship Larry Kirkpatrick North American Division (NAD) Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unity

Re-education Camp?

On February 17, 2013, Adventist World published an article titled “WANTED: More Female Pastors—Essential to the Harvest.” The article outlined how the North American Division would begin a process of educating church members about the necessity of hiring more female pastors. It stated that the NAD would proceed regardless of the findings of the Theology of Ordination Study Committee. It stated that the hiring of women pastors would be financially incentivized for conferences in the NAD. Larry Kirkpatrick responds. FIND IT HERE.

Doctrine of Unity Octavian Poenaru Romania Unity

The Story

Octavian Poenaru was a pastor in Romania under the communist regime. In this short piece he shares his experience and the impact even a single congregation and its unity can have on one’s youthful experience. The lesson is timely. FIND IT HERE.

Church Manual General Conference Gleaner Lee Roy Holmes North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Unity

Whose Vote Shall We Go By?

New item here by Lee Roy Holmes. What do we do when what we want may conflict with how the larger church is led to follow its Lord? FIND IT HERE.