Complimentarian Diane Kobor Ellen G. White Headship Mothers Submission Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

That the Word of God Be Not Blasphemed

Diane Kobor shares a serious study of the kinds of evangelistic work outlined as ideal for women—and takes exception to mistaken ideas about women in ministry! FIND IT HERE.

Complimentarian Ellen G. White Fathers Gender Gerita Liebelt Mothers

Our Inalienable Rights

Being male and being female are special. Gerita Leibelt outlines how special! FIND IT HERE.

Complimentarian Gender Genesis Larry Kirkpatrick

Humanity Male and Female

New article by Pr. Larry Kirkpatrick briefly addresses one of the baseline texts in the Bible about humanity and male and female relations. Humanity is fundamentally binary: masculine and feminine. The sexes are not interchangeable. Find it here.