Biblical Interpretation Edward Krentz Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza Ellen G. White Eta Linnemann Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination Galatians Heteropatriarchalism Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Liberation Theology Marcella Althaus-Reid Oppressed class Ordination Without Regard to Gender Queer Theology R. Guy Erwin Rio Document 1986 Rosemary Radford Ruether Roy Clements Virginia R. Mollenkott

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 5: Homosexual Theological Entailments

Pastor Kirkpatrick continues his in-depth series in part 5. It has often been alleged (and as often denied) that the theology that sustains the ordination of women also leads inevitably to the acceptance of homosexuality in the church. Is this so? What do those pushing for homosexual “rights” in the church themselves say about the hermeneutics and approach to biblical interpretation? THis is another MSUT READ article. FIND IT HERE.

Foundations of Women's Ordination Larry Kirkpatrick

Foundations of Women's Ordination—Relationships

Androcentric Atonement Betty Frieden Biblical Interpretation Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza Experience Feminist Theology Hermeneutic of Suspicion Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Mainstream Feminist Theology Neo-Protestant Rosemary Radford Ruether Second Wave Feminist Theology Simone de Beauvoir

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 4: Second Wave Feminist Theology

Larry Kirkpatrick continues his series, this time coming to some core concerns. This article outlines what might be called Mainstream Feminist Theology, and looks particularly at the theology of Rosemary Radford Ruether and Elizabeth Shussler-Fiorenza. It is important to note that the theology outlined in this article forms the core of Feminist Theology; virtually all contemporary theological influence in this vein truly begins here. If you read only one article in the series, read this one. FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Doctrine of Holy Scripture Experience Gustavo Guttierez Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Leonardo Boff Liberation Theology Marxist class analysis Oppressed class Preference for the poor Roman Catholic Church

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 3: Liberation Theology

Larry Kirkpatrick continues his series giving the theological foundations behind the push for Women’s Ordination. Liberation Theology is the framework upon which hangs contemporary Feminist and Queer Theologies begin. FIND IT HERE.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Feminist Theology Genesis Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Seneca Falls

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 2: First Wave Feminist Theology

Part two of Pastor Kirkpatrick’s series tells us about first wave Feminist Theology. FIND IT HERE.

Biblical Interpretation Divino Afflante Spiritu Doctrine of Holy Scripture Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Liberation Theology Neo-Protestant North American Division (NAD) Protestant Roman Catholic Church Sola Scriptura Unity Utrecht General Conference Session 1995

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 1: Orientation to the Scriptures

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick has prepared a unique series of articles titled “Foundations of Women’s Ordination.” These articles outline the theological underpinnings of the movement which, if its goal is obtained, would lead to the ordination of women as pastors in male-headship positions the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This history and theology begins outside the church, has its own goals, and is intended to transform both world and church. We have scheduled these to appear throughout June.
Part 1 in the series focuses on our “Orientation to the Scriptures.” FIND IT HERE.

Complimentarian Ellen G. White Fathers Gender Gerita Liebelt Mothers

Our Inalienable Rights

Being male and being female are special. Gerita Leibelt outlines how special! FIND IT HERE.

Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Headship Larry Kirkpatrick North American Division (NAD) Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unity

Re-education Camp?

On February 17, 2013, Adventist World published an article titled “WANTED: More Female Pastors—Essential to the Harvest.” The article outlined how the North American Division would begin a process of educating church members about the necessity of hiring more female pastors. It stated that the NAD would proceed regardless of the findings of the Theology of Ordination Study Committee. It stated that the hiring of women pastors would be financially incentivized for conferences in the NAD. Larry Kirkpatrick responds. FIND IT HERE.

1 Peter Ellen G. White Gender Heterosexism Lonny Liebelt Patriarchy Repentance Titus

A Call to Repentance

Lonny Liebelt recently considered a presentation made at a Seventh-day Adventist church that pled for us to repent of patriarchy and heterosexism. After further reflection, he agrees that there is much for us to repent of, although not necessarily as that presenter suggested. Provided on is his call to repentance. FIND IT HERE.

1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Doctrine of the Church Ellen G. White Headship John Witcombe

Gender Confusion

John Witcombe looks again at the role of male headship in church and home. Failure to follow a biblical order leads to gender confusion. FIND IT HERE.