Attitude Ellen G. White Gerita Liebelt Mothers

A Mother's Day Sermon by Paul

Gerita Liebelt has found a special sermon from the apostle Paul. FIND IT HERE.

Doctrine of Unity Octavian Poenaru Romania Unity

The Story

Octavian Poenaru was a pastor in Romania under the communist regime. In this short piece he shares his experience and the impact even a single congregation and its unity can have on one’s youthful experience. The lesson is timely. FIND IT HERE.

1 Timothy cousin-equality Ellen G. White Headship Insubordination John Witcombe Korah Leona G. Running Numbers Ted N.C. Wilson Unity Utrecht General Conference Session 1995

None Dare Call it Rebellion

John Witcombe considers the plea for cousin-equality! Find it here.

Darius Jankiewicz Lonny Liebelt Ministry magazine Phoebe Romans

What About Phoebe?

Lonny Liebelt read the recent article, and considers it in “What About Phoebe? Thinking about Darius Jankiewicz,
“Phoebe: Was she an early church leader?” (Ministry, April 2013, pp. 10-14). Find it here.

1 Timothy Chauvinism Ellen G. White Headship Larry Kirkpatrick NAD Best Practices Newsletter North American Division (NAD) Unity

NAD Claims EGW Dealt With Male Chauvinists?

Larry Kirkpatrick responds to the NAD Best Practices newsletter. The March 24, 2013 issue carries the article, “Where There is One There Should Be Twenty—Ellen White on Female Leadership,” along with a video by an Andrews University Theology professor. Pastor Kirkpatrick offers a brief review of these materials. Find it here.

1 Peter 1 Timothy Colossians Doctrine of Unity Ephesians Gender Genesis Headship John Witcombe Submission Unity

Headship—A Path to Unity

Did male headship begin before the fall or was it instituted as a consequence of sin? Why is this question important? Pastor John Witcombe offers in this article a biblical answer showing that headship is the path to unity. Find it here!

Doctrine of Unity Laity Mike Lambert Unity

A Unified Church, Part 4: What Members Can Do When Things Go Astray

Here is the fourth of four installments of Mike Lambert’s series, A Unified Church: How the Church Stays Together—Or How it is Divided. Find it here.

Dwight Nelson Headship John Witcombe Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC)

A Third Look at Headship

Pastor John Witcombe was led to study carefully ideas presented by Pastor Dwight Nelson in Nelson’s sermon “A Second Look at Headship.” Witcombe’s reaction is found here.

Attitude Mike Lambert Unity

A Unified Church, Part 3: Threats to Our Unity

Today, we offer part 3 of 4, Mike Lambert addresses threats to our unity. Find it here.

Attitude Mike Lambert Unity

A Unified Church, Part 2: The Basis of Our Unity

    Read part two of our series, ‘A Unified Church: How it stays together–how it is divided,” by Mike Lambert. Find it here.