1 Peter 1 Timothy Acts Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Dueteronomy Ellen G. White Exodus Genesis Louis R Torres Male-sex specific roles Mike Lambert Numbers Ordination Without Regard to Gender Priesthood of all believers Seventh-day Adventist Church Titus Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Biblical Sacredness of Ordination

Louis R. Torres shares an extended study on ordination and its biblical sacredness, and how the question pertains to women’s ordination. Pastor Torres has a long history of service and soul-winning in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Appended to the article is an extended section addressing many questions relating to Ellen White materials on ordination. FIND IT HERE!

Annual Council Church governance Church Manual Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Congregationalism Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven E-60 General Conference General Conference Working Policy Headship Insubordination Larry Kirkpatrick NAD Working Policy NAD Year-end Meeting North American Division (NAD) North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Polity Sandra Roberts Sandy Roberts SECC SECC constituency meeting Seventh-day Adventist Church Southeastern California Conference Ted N.C. Wilson Unilateral Action Women's Ordination YEM

E-60 and the WO Endgame

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick has investigated in particular the history of the past five years that have brought so much disunity to the world church. He tells the tragic backstory of these developments in “E-60 and the WO Endgame.”
First, download (the accompanying chart) that will help the reader understand the sequence of developments and print it out. Then FIND THE PDF VERSION HERE or the standard HTML/mobile version HERE.

Church Manual Culturally driven Doctrine of Unity Gender General Conference Homosexuality Insubordination Queer Theology United Methodist Church

UMC 2012 GC Session: Division over homosexuality and aftermath

In May 2012, delegates of the United Methodist Church gathered for their General Conference Session in Tampa, Florida. A key item in the meeting was the question of whether or not to retain language in their Book of Discipline (their Church Manual) stating that homosexual practice is sin. When the main attempt to remove this language failed to pass final committee, the pro-homosexuality group turned to plan B, a compromise position. On that, the vote was… Well, you’ll know the answer if you watch this short video. The Methodist Church in General Conference voted to ordain women as pastors in 1956. Theology has consequences, and what paves the way for one practice also paves the way for future changes when cultural trends are ripe.

1 Timothy ATLA Biblical Interpretation Culturally driven F.F. Bruce Feminist Theology Foundations of Women's Ordination Galatians Historical-Critical Method Krister Stendahl Larry Kirkpatrick Religion Index One Robert W. Yarbrough Second Wave Feminist Theology Thomas R. Shreiner Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Is Women's Ordination culturally rather than biblically driven?

Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick takes a look at findings prepared by Robert Yarbrough and makes a “surprise” discovery: theological studies supporting Womens’ Ordination published in Theological Journals suddenly change direction in 1969. Who would have imagined that? FIND IT HERE.