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Ted Wilson: The State of the Church

State of the Church – Ted Wilson from GCComm on Vimeo.

BREAKING NEWS. This video was released late on the afternoon of Thursday, November 14, 2013. In it, Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, shares a “state of the church” address. The release of this message directly to the church viewership in this way is unusual. Wilson tells about the powerful movings of the Holy Spirit upon the church round the world right now, but also shares four special concerns which are weighing on his heart. Included among these is a special concern over disunity and some segments of the Church ignoring the agreed policies by which the church works together.

35 replies on “Ted Wilson: The State of the Church”

Pastor Wilson is trying to help us by giving perspective. The problems he identifies seem to me to be interlinked. As we begin to lose our particular Seventh-day Adventist identity, we subtly begin to receive our identity from other ideologies and movements, like the currently hot feminist/homosexual rights movement. He is restrained but faithful. Very strong call in the four concerns. May God give us grace to be revived!

Would to God, that the Unions Presidents and Conference Presidents in rebellion against the GC, would humble themselves and stop the apostasy that is spreading thru out the NAD.

Is there some way to get this downloaded? All churches need to see this! May God bless Pr Wilson and his officers for their faithfulness and courage.

1. Join vimeo (
2. Locate the video in Vimeo. I just did this by starting with the link in and then expanding to full page. You can also just go to
3. Click on the “Download button beneath the video (4th button in from left).
4. Select your format by clicking it.
5. Select “save as”, name the file in your pop-up and select “save”. The file should download onto your hard drive.
6. In Firefox browser, you can check your download progress via the vertical arrow on the far right side of the URL bar, right beside the homepage house icon.
I am downloading right now in hopes of sharing this video with my church for the Sabbath service in the morning.

Amen…. there’s no time to nap while standing in the gap! May we be united as over-comers in the revelation of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May we lead our homes and churches as examples of Him and His love.

If this message makes you want to vomit maybe you need to seriously re-evaluate your desire to be a member of this church and the beliefs it holds. There was nothing mentioned that did not follow the bible or spirit of prophecy. It is high time that this message was brought to the fore front. Are we really here to be ambassadors for Christ, spreading the end time message, or are we more interested in conforming to the world in lifestlye and worship? Are we working for Satan or Christ? What fruit are we bearing? Rom 6:21

This is no ambassador of Christ. What are the bulk of his words? His are night and day with other people that are clearly Christ’s Ambassadors.

Yes, only because he is attacking and abusing authentic Christians and millions of decent Christian people that don’t care to be Adventists. I do detest his approach and having him in this role. He is abusing his platform and has bee totally negligent in his mission. He should be attack for this damaging words.

Go ahead and do so and then start reading your Bible and praying for Gods spirit to help you understand your identity and calling as an Adventist (if you are one).

I am an Adventist working diligently to get my community of believers back to God and stop spouting prideful nonsense. Most of us don’t believe the heart of this message.
The reason I puke at the words of this man is that he does not appear to represent the will of the church in the developed world, has made a political mess on the things he attempts, has rejected all inspiration that is out of his comfort zone and is showing contempt for authentic seekers and scholars. He has lost my respect completely and I will not listen to or take him seriously. I weep for those that do.

Dear Felix, I can only pity you as though you claim to be working deligently and imply that you believe the heart of the message yet you spew venom at a Godly man. If this was true should you know have the Spirit of Jesus in you? I suggest you vomit some more, hopefully you will eventually vomit out the gale of hatred within you. LOL Just kidding.

Felix could you please explain what is the will of the church. I thought that the church was body of Christ and He himself is the head. So when the church became independent of the head which controls it and rejected the council given to it through the word and through inspiration. And who are these decent christian? Aren’t these decent ones who are in rebellion and are creating an image to the beast. Could it be safe to say that they are worshiping the bull at the foot of the mountain. I would like to share this statement by George Knight, “When a church becomes politically correct in all its claims, and when it loses a proper amount of sanctified arrogance regarding.its mission, it manages to neuter itself even if it continues to brag about its potency.” I believe these nice people you are referring to or leading have lost their religious potency in the light of your argument. So puke and move on where there is complacency to your taste and please don’t try to change us by your religious correctness.

I suggest u weep 4 yourself. I pity you. You claim to b an Adventist who works diligently… and yet u spew out venom at another man, you have not learnt to deal with disagreements in a Christ like manner. You need to weep for yourself my brother. All your works are of no value with such an atitude and so much hatred with in you. Perhaps that is why you feel like puking. So decieved…

Is Felix a pastor in the SDA Church? Do you accept a salary from my tithe? Is he just a very rude person? Are you teaching your community how to excell in rudeness? If you are their leader I wonder what your community is. You should be crying in shame for your inrespectful words! You would want to be respected too. Also by those who don’t aggree with you! Or are you such a big shot?
I have heard Ted Wilson deliver a rather mild message considering what rebellion is taking place in our church at this moment. More like Jesus would have done. Shame on you! if you can’t refute the message don’t act the Pharissee and kill the messanger! Just hold your tongue not to add to our sin.

A return to “Primitive Godliness” will never be accepted by those follow the trends of the world, those who are seduced by the hypnotic movements of the “beast”, those who are deceived by self gratifying worship, and those who fail to prayerfully study the Word of God and the Spirit of Prophecy! May God continue to guide the mind and thoughts of Pastor Ted Wilson and the GC executive as they lead this church, “the remnant church” through these troubled waters.

Felix, may I suggest you take a step back, a few deep breaths, and read your posts our loud to yourself. What do you hear? If someone were speaking to you like that, how helpful would that be to your spiritual experience?

Janet, you may consider this from another angle. Most people on this small site use scripture to hide behind damning words that vilify good people. I chose to speak plainly without hiding what I believe. I do truly believe that our failed president is now at odds with God, that people discriminating leaders on gender are on the spectrum that justified women’s abuse, and that there is no headship theology from God. This is culture speaking through old males generally. There are exceptions, but not a lot.
So, in summary, I do authentically feel that this site and the people that support it misrepresent God, are doing great damage and will not like where this ultimately leads – disunity.

I would want the administrators to close comments on this video message. As the Gc did at vimeo. Let this great sermon speak for it self. Erase these comments and don’t allow more. Because of the message….

Ingrid, when we saw the highly disrespectful words of some of the comments, we considered doing that. However, another part of the whole question is that of spirit. What spirit attends the movement that has relentlessly striven to invert creation order? The rebel actions, for example, of NAD unions and conference are only one manifestation. We have become aware of a series of misuses of church authority by proponents of WO. So far we have not in general felt led to publicize these. However, when proponents of WO publicly reveal a spirit of disdain and disrespect, it may be useful to the reader visiting this “small” site to contrast the spirit of those who oppose on biblical grounds with some who advocate for WO. Thus, so far we have permitted these comments to remain. Coming from the heart of the WO advocates, they are educative to the reader in a way which words and articles written by our own hands are not. However, we will continue to observe the comments and if we are so led, we may yet intervene.
Congregations across the world church are being blessed by this gentle and godly sermon. It is being shown in many churches.

Admin is right. God allowed things to play out in the Bible. The words of disrespect against God and his messengers are included. That is one way we can “try the spirits.” Much worse is to come, and God is preparing us.

We watched this sermon at church today and all of us were blessed and inspired. We will continue to pray for our church and the leadership at the GC.

I do not understand the hostility for what more could elder Wilson do to please the proponents of WO? I am reminded that it are those who claim to be liberal who will fulfill prophesy by oppressing their brethren and deliver them to the evil authorities in the near future.
Our only refuge will be close to Christ. Let’s go to that hiding place, my brothers and sisters! Let’s pray more for Ted Wilson and his team of patient leaders in our Church who abide by the leading of the collective by the Spirit. For there is wisdom in the council of many and the Lord is leading a people, not independent individuals. The fool will always express his heart.
And indeed, the people in favor for WO are revealing what is in their hearts. It is only a very sad thing that the world is watching …. and see how we devour ourselves. But the truth must come out!
Those people don’t see that they already disqualified themselves to be leaders of God’s people. That is something Ted Wilson didn’t do. He stays courteous and considered, caring and loving. In my country the sermon is being under-titled now for members who don’t understand the English too well.

Dear bretheren:
This is a video every seventh-day adventist must watch. Here in Cape Verde Islands (West Africa), it requires us to translate the audio and inbed a portuguese subtitle in it. I intend to do so. Would you help me sending a transcript of the speech so that I wouldn’t have to spend precious time doing it manually from the video? Then I would concentrate just on the translation and embedding parts.
May God continue to bless and strenghten His people worldwide.

Thanks Thomas for sending the link, will be playing this sermon in church this coming sabbath. Perfect way to reinforce what we learnt @ the Revival week which we just concluded last sabbath in Wellington.

God will show Himself that He is God when apostasy rises to subdue His Church. He is God and will never be silent. He may gives us time to abuse His word and pleadings but He will not strive with mortal sinful men forever. God’s word is not up for a vote, but to be followed and obeyed, without buts, hows and whats; only by faith. Will hermeneutics redefine God? His headship role over man and man over woman and the church. The GC MUST and SHOULD obey God’s voice over these issues and not divide the church.

The unity of the Church should not be held at ransom by a conference or division. The uniqueness of the SDA church is that it is global and its theology is bible based transcending regions and tongues. The WO’s ordination issue threatens the long cherish unity and hermeneutics that are applied in bible interpretation should be consistent, without bias based on regions whether developed or underdeveloped. The feminism agenda must not divide our church. God will stand up to show Himself as the sovereign God.

The English saying goes, “Better late than never”. I have been late to come across this video of Pr Ted Wilson, the humble President of the SDA Church, about “The State of the Church”. It has marvelously blessed me. It’s no wonder to meet with people like Felix Yong, who claim to be “adventist working diligently…”, if we carefully study our Lord’s parable of th e weeds in Mathews 13:24-30. I would like to request any brother or sister to help me know if there is a Swahili translation of the video and kindly send me a link for that.

Pr Ted Wilson is really a true lover of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. Let us all pray for him so that the Holy Spirit continue to guide him in his leadership of Church, and stand firmly by the Scriptures during the forthcoming General Conference 2015 Meeting so that the delegates come up with a Biblical decision on the WO agenda. May God bless us all and the World Church so that we triumph over the devil’s machinations of bringing disharmony and disunity into the Lord’s Church.

John, in the Seventh-day Adventist Church the pastors and administrators are all paid roughly the same amount, within a few percentage points of each other. There are in some cases cost of living adjustments to help out in areas where the cost of living is high. Probably pastor Wilson is one of lowest paid leaders of such a substantial group as the SDA church, because of our basis policy on remuneration. This helps us fund more pastors in places where they are needed where the church is still developing. We would hope that rather than being suspicious you would lift elder Wilson and our other leaders up in prayer for wisdom on how to guide the church forward.

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