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TOSC, the way forward — "biblical qualifications" position

The following is the one page TOSC “Way Forward” statement made by the 32 persons opposing women’s ordination and arguing for a position consistent with the biblical qualifications.

To remain faithful to Scripture, to reaffirm and further promote women in ministry, and to preserve Bible-based unity in the Church, we recommend the following for consideration by the General Conference in full session: (1) Reaffirm and encourage women whom God has called to gospel work by public recognition and licensure; (2) Provide specialized educational opportunities for women in gospel work and ensure fair and just treatment upon their placement in ministry; (3) Promote the greater development of various lines of ministry for women, according to their spiritual gifts, including but not limited to personal and public evangelism, teaching, preaching, ministering to families, counseling, medical missionary work, departmental leadership, etc. While increasing opportunities for women in ministry, we also recommend that we (4) Retain the scriptural practice of ordaining/commissioning only qualified men to the office of pastor/minister throughout the world church in harmony with the consistent example of Christ, the apostles, and the Adventist pioneers; and (5) Return to the biblical practice of electing and ordaining only men to the office of local elder throughout the world church, while allowing women to serve as unordained church leaders under certain circumstances.
Support and Other Considerations

  • God calls women to both full- and part-time ministry (Daughters of God, pp. 20, 110; Evangelism, p. 472). The lines of service in which women may work are broad and far-reaching (Exodus 15:20; Judges chs. 4-5; Acts 9:36, 39; Romans 16:1-12; Titus 2:3-5; Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 128, 129; Christian Service, p. 68). For its mission, the Church must make full use of the indispensable role of women in the ministry of the church. Women “can do in families a work that men cannot do, a work that reaches the inner life. They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach. Their work is needed” (Christian Service, p. 27). The Church should issue an appropriate license with equitable compensation to qualified women “although the hands of ordination have not been laid upon” them (Manuscript 22, 1892; Evangelism, pp. 491-493; Manuscript Releases 12, p. 160; Gospel Workers, p. 492).
  • Although both men and women are called to various lines of ministry, the Bible consistently assigns the office of local elder or pastor/minister to faithful men who satisfy the scriptural requirements. See the examples of Jesus and the early church as well as Paul’s instruction (Mark 3:13; Acts 1:21-26; 6:3; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). This assignment, rather than being based on culture, is grounded by Paul in the male spiritual leadership role established at Creation and reaffirmed after the Fall (1 Timothy 2:13, 14; 1 Corinthians 11:3, 8, 9). While spiritual gifts include pastoral care, this is not equivalent to the biblical office of elder that is today referred to as “pastor.”
  • Ordination involves a call from God (Acts 13:2) and recognition by the church regionally (acts 13:3) in harmony with the church globally (see Sketches From the Life of Paul, p. 43). Ordination to the office of pastor/minister (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:1-9) grants full ecclesialastical authority to establish new churches, ordain local elders, baptize converts, and lead out in the ordinances of the church in cooperation with the local conference (Acts of the Apostles, p. 160). In certain circumstances, a woman may serve as a local church leader (Church Manual, pp. 75, 76) without being ordained as an elder (Manuscript releases 19, p. 56).
  • Allowing regionally established beliefs or qualifications for ordination would fracture the church, create confusion and disunity, and set a dangerous precedent. It would remove an important protection from non-biblical cultural influences (Acts of the Apostles, pp. 95, 96) and move the church toward becoming an association of national churches instead of a united world church.
  • Global church unity can be preserved only by yielding to the “plain” and “obvious meaning” of Scripture (The Great Controversy, pp. 268, 599, 521, 54), rejecting “higher criticism” (Education, p. 227) or other methods of Bible study that give the reader authority over the divinely inspired text (2 Timothy 3:16; Luke 24:27).
  • Jesus is our example of servant leadership. His life expresses the loving authority and submission that exist in God’s family in heaven and on earth (1 Corinthians 11:3; 15:28; Matthew 6:10).

20 replies on “TOSC, the way forward — "biblical qualifications" position”

This isn’t a “third way”. Either Women’s ordination is Biblical or it is not.
This option is saying it is Biblical, why try and couch it in some sort of “compromise”, “third way”, language.
If this is adopted then the church has endorsed women’s ordination, period. Just admit it and call it what it is. I am so sick and tired of these ridiculous semantical games.

Bob, I take it you are actually commenting on the so-called “third way” (compromise) option, the one supported by 22 members of the TOSC comittee, and not on the “Biblical Qualifications position(supported by 32 participants) reproduced above. I think the plan worked out in the “biblical qualifications” position is something we can all support. It concurs with Scripture (no ordained female pastors or elders), but opens a clear pathway for consecrated women to serve Jesus in particularized ministries in ways consistent with Scripture. IMO the statement is remarkably balanced. The compromise position is, I concur, untenable.

And, I would add, adopting this would effectively do away with the essential unity of the World Church.
Pick one or the other but don’t divide the church further by setting a precedent of individual conferences making contradictory decisions with opposing sides claiming Biblical fidelity.
This will set a precedent for increased division in the church, it will not stop with this one issue and anyone who thinks it will is an utter fool.
Mark my words, if this is adopted you will have the SECC moving to adopt practicing homosexuals into full fellowship.
I’m not equating the two issues, simply pointing out where the “individual conferences deciding for themselves” precedent will take us.

To hell with the unity of the church if it follows the lead of Satan to abuse, discriminate, and violate female blessings to lead.

Yes you can. LGT and the fundamentalists spew hatred, fear, and abuse. They are the last generation that gets to violate God’s intention on Earth.

Bob you are spot on….the wording for WO has always been “without regard to gender” thus leaving the door open for such future deviations and lawsuits. In the final test there will be only two sides….either we follow Gods Word or we don’t.
I think of Daniel who stood firm on small issues that when the larger test were given he was able to stand strong for the Lord. Even if they let individual conferences decide of which many have already by rebellion there will be those inside these conferences that will not.
Christ or Culture?

Christ…where there is neither male nor female. The heresy is that this site thinks there should be.

Christ……That created in man in His own image….. male and female Genesis 1:27. NOT LGTBQ which can unfortunately stand for Let Gods Truth Be Questioned as well as “without regard to gender”

I do know why this language was chosen. I was privy to those decisions and your accusation is shit. God did make two genders, but he sure did not create a master and slave and you and this site claim.

Felix it’s not about master and slave and you know it, it’s about a God given role to men to lead and protect as a servant/shepherd. In the engine of your car which is more important the water or the oil? I dare say if you drain either from your vehicle it will not get far. They are both just important but do different roles. I don’t see you out petitioning the government to require women to sign up for selective service to be eligible for financial add? Where have I claimed for women to be slaves?
Shepherds who fail at home will fail at church—He who is engaged in the work of the gospel ministry must be faithful in his family life. It is as essential that as a father he should improve the talents God has given him for the purpose of making the home a symbol of the heavenly family, as that in the work of the ministry, he should make use of his God-given powers to win souls for the church. As the priest in the home, and as the ambassador of Christ in the church, he should exemplify in his life the character of Christ. He must be faithful in watching for souls as one that must give an account. In his service church there must be seen no carelessness and inattentive work. God will not serve with the sins of men who have not a clear sense of the sacred responsibility involved in accepting a position as pastor of a church. He who fails to be a faithful, discerning shepherd in the home, will surely fail of being a faithful shepherd of the flock of God…… Happy Fathers Day —Manuscript Releases 6:49

You are digging a deeper hole for your prideful, misogynistic view. You do seem to know that your accusations are evil so let’s assume your outlook on this is as well. You equate roles with power levels, thus my master/slave analogy. Oil is not the head of water. If you believe it is then you need your head examined. Christ or culture? Please don’t insult our intelligence. You love culture. Open your eyes and watch God – that may help you. In the mean time please refrain from representing God on this matter.

Why are you quoting from Daughters of God???? This is a corrupted book. It was written for the purpose of promoting women’s ordination. Quotes from EGW were REWRITTEN to include women in things that she only ascribes to men. The EGW Estate has created about 4 of these books which include Christ Triumphant, To Be Like Jesus, and From the Heart. Please read the forwards of these books or go to the following links:

It is simple, “Thus saith the LORD” either we are for Him or against Him. The Bible plainly teaches that woman is not to rule over man just as we cannot rule over Christ. And no matter how you choose your wording, homosexuality is not biblically based. Choose you this day whom you shall serve… As for me and my house we will serve the LORD.

Felix ever look inside a radiator when oil and water mix? Not a pretty sight! And engines do not run right, yet when a husband (houseband) and wife work together it is harmony ever wonder why? I’ll keep digging alright… deep into the Word of God…. Isaiah 8:12

Good. You’ll find it, but the trick is to have an open heart which is not very plentiful on this site and in the churches of these idoitic pastors that think themselves above God’s reform.
Your analogy makes no sense to me or God.

Why the cuss words Felix? I understand you feel passionately about your position but if you are Godly man show it in your conversation and in the words you use.

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