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The Adventist Ordination Crisis-pt. 1

CAP pastor Doug Batchelor presented the above at Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church on Sabbath, May 30, 2015. Granite Bay Church is located at 3785 Placer Corporate Dr., Suite 600, Rocklin, CA 95765.

13 replies on “The Adventist Ordination Crisis-pt. 1”

Thank you for this clear and passionate presentation on WO. Whatever the outcome of the GC session, I am comforted by the knowledge that God is in control and will continue to lead His Church to His glory. I thank the CAP for having the courage to stand for the Truth.

You do know this joker is not a theologian right? He is not respected as a rationale Biblical thinker by anyone who is. We are seeing an apostate in action here. He is distorting God’s word, will, and action. He is in direct assault against God. Passion does not make him right.

Since when do theologians have a corner on truth?? I say this with trepidation, as I hold two Master’s degrees in theology as well as an undergraduate theology degree. Such education can be a blessing if applied within the constraints of God’s written counsel. But as the trained scholars of Noah’s and Christ’s day bear witness, such achievements can also prove a curse.
Most of Jesus’ disciples weren’t trained theologians either, as I recall. And you are quite wrong to say Doug Batchelor is not “respected” by anyone who in fact is a trained theologian. I can think of any number of professors in our colleges and universities in North America just now who have a very high respect for Doug Batchelor and his convictions. They may not be the scholars featured over at Spectrum or Adventist Today, or even in some of our mainline church publications. But they are out there. Just look at the list of authors in The Adventist Ordination Crisis.

Regardless of the position held on this issue, we all should treat each other with the respect worthy of the sons and daughters of the Most High. Enough said.

I am glad the Bible was not written only for theologians. Some of us who oppose Women’s Ordination trust Doug Batchelor more than most of the theologians at the Andrews Seminary. We are treading on a dangerous ground when we place our faith in the opinions of theologians and learned men.The theologians who lived at the time of Noah’s flood perished in the flood because they treasured the opinions of men more than the word of God. Mr. Wong, I will plead with you to place your faith in the Word of God and not in the opinions of theologians. That is why the Bible says, “The Just Shall Live By Faith”.

What a logical line of reasoning presented through a chain of Scripture and SOP. Thank God for His Holy Word! Let us pray for the delegates to GC and the decisions they will vote on. Let us contact our delegates with encouragement and promise of our prayers that God’s truth will be upheld.

You solicit our Charity, waste time and resources, while wasting more resources to display your viewpoints; that fail current Church Doctrine.
Then you apply our Charity discriminatorily; not helping the entire body. You do not SAVE, feed, clothe or educate anyone with this. It has nothing to do with GOD.
To promote your individual ideologies to place the spiritual leadership of the Church, into the hands of wives, who are commanded to submit in subjection to husbands (Ephesians 5) that may or may not be Christians (1 Peter 3)?
Who already have a job as older women to “teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of GOD be not blasphemed. Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.” (Titus 2). A very critical and much needed role; failed miserably. Look around you at the kids; maybe instead, we should rebuke in such.
How about we stick with GOD’s PLAN, quit wasting charitable resources, do our jobs and stop being those that “creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts.”; or at least cut support from the Church, stop Soliciting, register as a for profit with the IRS and get a real job to promote your individual little private interests.

Comment, perhaps the whole idea of ordination should be thrown out and the word Commission in replacement.
Please explain what Joel 2 & repeated by Peter in Acts 2 mean in light of this argument of “ordination?” As I read this, it is clear cut, “in the last days……” Men have had soul leadership for 2000 yrs. The Lord’s work isn’t finished. It’s time to enlist/commission all Spirit filled people into service.
This has nothing to do with “rights” it has to do with getting the job done! What are these men so afraid of? I’m 74, 4th generation SDA. My 4th great grandfather was an early SDA minister, as is our son. We love Jesus & and our church, willing to see changes necessary to get this gospel preached.
Frankly I don’t trust these people who are so vehement against women in ministry.
Thank you for reading & hopefully able to answer.

I have seen many arguments in favor of WO. Yet, in my opinion and based on the Bible, the way I am understanding it, I have not seen any legitimate “thus saith the Lord” on this matter. Attacking those that have done extensive research based on attacking background versus ability is no better an argument that so far presented nothing biblical as favorable towards WO. There have also been statistical facts presented that Church Membership in other Major Denominations declined drastically after implementing WO. The only denomination that was able to put an end to huge membership decline was the Baptists. Once they recognized the huge decline in membership and increase in members leaving their Church, the decision to ordain women was reversed and therefore ended the decline. It must have been hard to submit to popular opinion then face and act on the need to stop something destructive that they themselves put into action. If a Church needs to submit to societies ideals and what trends say are popular then that is not a Church, it is a ungodly social event and concept implemented by those already apostate and purposely to bring the Church down to a less that Pagan status. Once these divisions ignored legitimate requests to wait to ordain until it was approved or denied at our 2015 General Conference, I see plain and simple rebellion. I became a Seventh Day Adventist about 2 years ago. I had to study and was questioned about accepting our fundamentals and our Mission which was given to us as the last remnant Church. But if you don’t believe in Creation, you don’t belong in any Christian Denomination. If you do not believe in God’s Laws, the ten commandments, you are not a Christian. If you don’t follow Jesus as the Lord and King and the only salvation, then you have more than one master, which God does not accept not wish to share and that means you cannot be a Christian. If it is a belief system that conflicts with the proper belief systems then you are not a follower therefore cannot be a Christian. Our Seventh Day Adventist fundamentals are in harmony with the Bible but the bottom line is if you have any problems with Seventh Day Adventists existing fundamentals, you should not be a part of the movement and without question you would not be in the SDA Church. So, what is the answer? Simple, leave.

Here we see the decline in Southern Baptist Convention membership from 2005 to 2014:
2005 16,600,000
2006 16,306,246
2007 16,266,920
2008 16,228,438
2009 16,160,088
2010 16,136,044
2011 15,978,112
2012 15,872,404
2013 15,735,640
2014 15,499,173

When a Corporation is formed, profit or non-profit, by law it requires rules and bylaws to accompany corporate filings and applications. Once approved, the corporation must act within their own set of rules and bylaws and governance which additionally is required to qualify under state and federal law. Bylaws, corporate constitutions and governance structures once approved establishing the guidelines to operate within cannot just up and decide to change the corporations structure and governance without additional approval. If conflicting operations and governance is detected and found not to be in accordance with original filing and application, the corporation can be found in violation of law and reduced to a privately held company which negates any protection or tax exemptions of a non-profit corporation. I see an abundance of uncontrolled nose thumbing here, in fact “over the top dangerous”!

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