Christopher Kramp Clinton Wahlen Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Eugene Prewitt General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Ingo Sorke Male-sex specific roles Ordination Without Regard to Gender Unity WO Symposium Germany Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Videos from WO Symposium in Germany

A Symposium on Women’s Ordination was held June 8-10, 2015 in Germany titled “Frauenordination und die Einheit der Gemeinde” (“Ordination of women and the unity of the community”). Speakers included Christopher Kramp, Eugene Prewitt, Ingo Sorke and Clinton Wahlen. If your German is not up to speed, you will benefit the most from the English language presentations by Clinton Wahlen and Eugene Prewitt (all others are in German).
1. Adam, wo bist du? | Ingo Sorke (German language only)

2. Leiterschaft entsprechend der Schöpfungsordnung | Clinton Wahlen (English and German)

3. Paulus: Lokal oder Global? | Ingo Sorke (German language only)

4. Argumente unter der biblischen Lupe | Eugene Prewitt (English and German)

5. Die offizielle Erklärung zur Position 1, wie sie dem Annual Council der GK 2014 präsentiert wurde | Clinton Wahlen (German and English)

6. Ordination in der Adventgeschichte | Christopher Kramp (German language only)

One reply on “Videos from WO Symposium in Germany”

I am happy to see that you are posting our videos from Joel Media TV.
Just a few comments to clarify some minor points:
The Symposium was just one day (Jun 8; dates on our website reference the day of the upload; not the day of the production) and it actually was more of a recording session.
Recordings were done by Joel Media Ministry (a media ministry working closely with the Stuttgart-Wangen SDA Church and ASI-member).
Our primary goal was to get Position Nr. 1 in its entire scope before the people, since the german speaking official papers are heavily advertised Nr. 2 but have said almost nothing about the biblical arguments for 1.
We also recorded a Q/A- Session with Clinton Wahlen on the Way Forward (which was delayed due to technical problems and will be published hopefully soon) and a Sabbath Sermon (in german) as Bonus (which gives an overview and some recent history on the WO-Conflict)
As you may know German leadership is almost united on Nr. 2, but it bears noting that many members in the Pew think differently. Some have not been very articulate, since they haver never seen the biblical argument, but this seems to change right now. These videos have been among the most seen ever in our little website-history and many respond expressing their thanks.
I want to highlight this point, since often it is viewed as a cultural issue, but even in the supposed cultural open Germany this topic is approached by an increasing number of members as a theological one.
We are united with you in prayer, that God will clearly indicate His will in the upcoming GC-Session
God bless you
Christopher Kramp

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