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PCUSA Reeling After Gay Embrace

Set to lose 400,000+ members in five years

Can Seventh-day Adventists learn from the history of others? The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) approved the ordination of women as elders in 1929 and as ministers in 1956. In 2013 its General Assembly approved the ordination of openly gay persons to ministry. Predictably, in 2014 the church redefined marriage as a covenant uniting two persons (rather than as uniting a husband and wife). These actions were ratified in 2014 and 2015 respectively.
It was anticipated that membership would increase on the basis of this more “inclusive” denominational stance. What actually occurred was that the Presbyterian Church USA lost a quarter of a million members in 2013 and is projecting average losses between 75,000 and 100,000 members annually in the 2015-2020 period. The following membership numbers are based upon a PCUSA budgeting presentation.

2012 2,004,192 (- 82,952)
2013 1,921,240 (-254,473)
2014 1,666,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2015 1,566,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2016 1,466,767 (-100,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2017 1,391,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2018 1,316,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2019 1,241,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
2020 1,166,767 (- 75,000 Projected Membership Loss)
(Source: PCUSA Budgeting slide:

Some of this decline is based on the death of aging members. Still, this would only account for a limited portion. The extraordinary projections almost certainly reflect anticipation of continued exodus of members to more conservative Presbyterian bodies. These include the Presbyterian Church of America (formed in 1973 and rejects women’s ordination), Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians formed in 2012. As of November 13, 2015, ECO included 231 congregations.
Meanwhile, according to apportionment numbers, even with 3% annual increases in 2017-2020, PCUSA will substantially exhaust most of its financial resources by the close of that period.
Women’s ordination weakens a body, SOGI issues (Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity) destroy it. In 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America approved both same-sex “marriage” and the ordination of gay clergy, only to loose more than 600 congregations in the next two years. PCUSA and ELCA seem engaged in a competition over which denomination will be the first to be completely dissolved.
UPDATE 2016-02-11: There are varying reports about membership loss numbers as reflected in comments in links below. It in not completely clear which numbers are more correct, although the large 2013 numbers we draw from the budget department slide could reflect the same-sex “marriage decision and its straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back effect and rise of ECO. Either way, we hold that this demonstrates a correlation between the pro-gay decisions and the exodus from PCUSA. Those wishing to follow up more closely can peruse the links provided by brother Pickle in his post. –Admin

14 replies on “PCUSA Reeling After Gay Embrace”

Would anyone have an explanation as to why the numbers differ between and ? I can’t figure it out. and agree with the latter source. So does and
The above numbers have the membership still over 2 million in 2012 while these other sources have the membership over 2 million no later than 2010. On the other hand, the above numbers have the projected membership being 1000 less than the projected membership in the other sources.

Please point out exactly which numbers seem to disagree and the suggested corrected number with source.

The second link I gave above ( gives a table that is easy to read, from the same site as the budget sheet which is the source for your article. Every number differs by at least 1000, except for the projected loses in future years.
Your article states that they lost 254,473 members in 2013. The table at the second link says they lost 89,296. gives the number as 89,296 as well.

As it stands we don’t need a resolution to accept homosexuals as members. Simply read through the Church Manual and anyone who has been a church member for a few years, at least in westernized locations, will probably quickly see that congregations will ignore the rules set by the General Conference in Session whenever it is culturally acceptable to that particular congregation. I have yet to find a single congregation in my area, or the few places I’ve traveled to, that sees it as anything but a “guideline”.
The Church Manual is divided into two types of material. The content of each chapter is of worldwide value and is applicable to every church organization, congregation, and member. Recognizing the need for variations in some sections, additional explanatory material, presented as guidance and examples, appears as notes at the end of the Church Manual. The notes have subheadings corresponding to chapter subheadings and page numbers of the main text. Page 18 Church Manual.
God turns his face from a church that is in rebellion against governing authority. That happened under governing authority of Judges and Kings in the OT. I can’t barely turn a page in the OT without seeing this principle!
1 Peter5:5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for
“God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

God hasn’t changed. Our church will at best not experience God’s full blessings until we are obedient. In my experience there are many other denominations around us in each of our communities that put us to shame. Our members ask themselves how we can be like them and the answer tends to be that we need to become even more like them rather than returning to the authority instituted by God.
God has ordained that the representatives of His church from all parts of the earth, when assembled in a General Conference, shall have authority.”—9T 261.
If you are like most members, and even elders, you aren’t familiar with the Church Manual. Please start to familiarize yourself with it. If we don’t hold leaders accountable to it, then they will be free to continue ignoring it and the problems in the church will only continue. We need God’s smile to return to us. To continue on our current path is to invite more evil and will strengthen God’s hand against us.
“God holds His people, as a body, responsible for the sins existing in individuals among them. If the leaders of the church neglect to diligently search out the sins which bring the displeasure of God
upon the body, they become responsible for these sins.”—3T 269.

This article is another example of misinformation, misrepresentation and outright demagoguery. While a decline of membership in mainline denominations is a fact the article fails to mention that even those denominations which stringently oppose women’s ordination and women’s leadership where men are present have also experienced significant drop in membership in recent years. The Roman Catholics and Southern Baptists (see links below) come to mind. The situation is far more complex than the author is implying as there are many factors that contribute to the general decline of church membership.
We need to be careful and not try to win debates by dishonest argumentation and whipping up fear. This kind of methodology is on par with the methods used by the current front runner of the GOP presidential campaign.

I still think it applies as both Baptist and Catholics has been reeling from those issues. In fact, many of the baptist and even Catholics support it.

Cathy, I do not see any other factors proposed.
Maybe we could contend Religious and political affiliation to growth (from the last Pew release); but the results have not been fully reviewed:
Maybe it would be better, within Truth, to ask for proof that the Southern Baptist membership is falling? Again from latest Pew research the Southern Baptist Convention, the Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Presbyterian Church in America are all growing:
I see the membership, attendance and factors down as reported from the Southern Baptist Convention. But from those that attend other denominations (including ours) we hear a lot of Churches did not have time to report numbers and see them in our Churches helping; impacting attendance in their Churches.
Catholic membership is falling in the US (same report); but they are unable to follow even their own doctrine.
Maybe we should propose a theorem that all of the Churches that follow HIS Sound Doctrine grow and those that do not fail (including this denomination)? Please, someone prove otherwise (for I am unable to).
Maybe we should stop relying on those without knowledge or wisdom; making proposals that impact (and seemingly attempting to own) the hard works of others? That which belongs to HIM?

Statistics are not the issue although they help in giving a picture of things when accurate. The point is scripture is clear on the issues in question and the SOURCE of these abominable controversies is also clear. They do not originate from a new understanding of the Bible. They originate from Satan himself, the arch rebel and so called “revolutionary”. We need neither in our midst. What really damns us is an equivocal leadership that seems to hunt with the hounds and graze with the sheep. Their silence is deafening.

Numbers and money matter little although they help reflect trends and results. The fact is that these organizations have ceased to REPRESENT the GOD OF THE BIBLE. That is a worse fate than loss of money and members. It is risk of damnation.

They ceased to represent God as soon as they reject the Spirit of prophecy. Since then they have no comprehending of future and accordingly have lost understanding of what spirit is from God and what is not.
And that’s why they become habitation of every unclean spirit, which Satan, the beast from the sea and the false prophet have released for gathering the whole world into union against the Lamb of God.
And the people of those churches apparently see better than their leaders that something wrong is going on. And they leave.

Membership numbers are also down in the Southern Baptist Convention.
All mainline Protestant numbers have been down for some time.
It has not been proven that women’s ordination is a cause of membership decline.
The church cannot help but be strengthened when men and women work together in leadership according to the Eden model (Gen 1:26).
You need to be more specific when you say SOGI “issues” destroy church bodies. Can you cite any denominations that are now extinct on account of “SOGI issues?” None of those issues are ever going to go away as long as people are homosexual.

Does good and evil not exist within all groupings of persons; all classifications that belong to HIM, not us? Our battle is with powers, principalities and the forces of darkness, not individuals. We Love the individuals (but not their actions within sin).
HIS plan goes on with or without us. Multitudes for millennia have and continue to serve HIM. They have sacrificed for even down to our ability to be here posting; a great gift from HIM. Their works and sacrifices belong to HIM; not us.
Within accusation of such, please provide proof that Southern Baptist Convention membership has fallen, not just references to others that wish to tear down or own the hard works of others. Again, all works that belong to HIM.
There are many devout (and individual Churches) within the mainline Protestant denominations and I would definitely never take away from that. Their hard works and sacrifices are greatly appreciated and all belong to HIM. But their numbers are falling as you stated; but then contend it not from the failure within Sound Doctrine?
The branches that split (the Lutheran Missouri Synod, Presbyterian Church in America and others) that follow Sound Doctrine are all growing. The individual Conferences outside of Sound Doctrine of this denomination are failing; while those within are not. Is this sufficient proof that HIS Plan is better? Then you wish cite of extinct denominations; while explicitly stating the issues will never go away as long as there is sin?
The Bible does not stop at Genesis 1. If HE can expect HIS works will be done, HE will instill sufficient wisdom to accomplish them; then they are expected. If we wish to continue to do our own personal works; then Faith without works is dead. We should Love ourselves and our neighbors enough to save us from ourselves.
The Sacrifice of CHRIST did not create a license to sin or justification thereof.; for it is written, go and sin no more. HE is always there if we stumble. We are all here to help if you stumble, that is Love; nothing can or will change that.

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