1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Attitude Biblical Interpretation CAP authors Complimentarian Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Distinct roles Doctrine of Unity Ephesians Gender General Conference General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Genesis Headship Hermeneutic of Suspicion Historical-Critical Method Historical-grammatical method Jim Brackett Krister Stendahl Larry Kirkpatrick Male-sex specific roles Methods of Bible Study 1986 NAD TOSC Report North American Division (NAD) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Postmodernism Principle-based Historical-cultural Method Redemptive hermeneutic Rio Document 1986 Seminary Seventh-day Adventist Church Submission The Welcome Table Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Trajectory theology William Webb Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

New NAD WO hermeneutic, pt. 2

This video continues the Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) interview by Pr. Jim Brackett of Pr. Larry Kirkpatrick. Part 1 was posted separately yesterday. This is part 2, and immediately follows part 1 to complete the full segment. Part 1 had concluded with a restatement of the longstanding Seventh-day Adventist principle of not judging Scripture with independent human reason, but letting Scripture judge our reason. The above video compares this with the NAD’s “Majority Report” proposal. NAD asks that the church make its authority an imaginary future point after the New Testament where God’s ideal will for male and female roles would reach fruition. Comparisons continue to the end of the segment.

1 Corinthians Bob Stewart CAP authors Distinct roles Ellen G. White Ephesians Genesis Headship John Marriage Revelation Submission Typology Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Ordination: Biblical typology male and female

Pastor Bob Stewart takes a fascinating look at some of the male and female distinctives in the Bible, along with the Christ/Bridegroom church/bride typology. FIND IT HERE.

1 Peter 1 Timothy Acts Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Dueteronomy Ellen G. White Exodus Genesis Louis R Torres Male-sex specific roles Mike Lambert Numbers Ordination Without Regard to Gender Priesthood of all believers Seventh-day Adventist Church Titus Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Biblical Sacredness of Ordination

Louis R. Torres shares an extended study on ordination and its biblical sacredness, and how the question pertains to women’s ordination. Pastor Torres has a long history of service and soul-winning in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Appended to the article is an extended section addressing many questions relating to Ellen White materials on ordination. FIND IT HERE!

1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Biblical Interpretation Clinton Wahlen Complimentarian Deborah Distinct roles Doctrine of Unity Edwin E. Reynolds General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Genesis Headship Historical-grammatical method NAD TOSC Minority Report NAD TOSC Report NAD Year-end Meeting North American Division (NAD) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Principle-based Historical-cultural Method Rio Document 1986 Seventh-day Adventist Church Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

NAD Minority Report

It may appear to the world church that the North American Division is immovably united in favor of Women’s Ordination. This is far from the case. Many Adventists in the small towns surrounding our universities in North America do favor Women’s Ordination. There are a few geographical locations like Southern California, Western Oregon, and parts of Ohio, where this is also the case. However, it is probably still true that the majority of Adventists in North America are not committed to Women’s Ordination. Many oppose it on serious biblical grounds.
Many NAD administrators and scholars seem in favor. But not all. For example, Edwin E. Reynolds teaches in the religion department at Southern Adventist University. Clinton Wahlen is an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute. Both are members in the North American Division and were among those selected to engage in study on behalf of the North American Division Theology of Ordination Study Committee. They have prepared a powerful study in which they dissent from the Majority report. This material is included as part of the NAD Report released on November 2, 2013. We have made available in the following link the full North American Division Theology of Ordination Study Committee Minority Report.
In the report, Reynolds and Wahlen point in particular to the central issue of interpretive method. “The current divergence in views on the subject of women’s ordination is due in part to different understandings of the nature of Scripture and how it should be interpreted. . . Some advocate an approach that takes into account the ‘trajectory’ of Scripture. . . extrapolated so that the trajectory beyond and outside of Scripture can be seen. . . such an approach, even though it might broadly affirm the Bible’s inspiration, nevertheless undermines it by characterizing selected portions of Scripture as time- and culture-bound and, therefore, tinged with the author’s prejudicial views on such topics, rather than God’s thoughts which are valid for all places and all time” (p. 195). The authors are concerned about this approach, and warn, “it is one thing to study the historical-cultural backgrounds to enlighten our understanding of the setting in which the text was written; it is another thing altogether to suggest that the text was culturally conditioned and that, therefore, a trajectory beyond the text must be constructed for our current, more enlightened age” (pp. 196, 197).
Reynolds and Wahlen look closely at passages like Genesis two, Deborah in Judges, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians 11, among others. They conclude that “ordaining women represents a significant departure from the biblical model” (p. 207). And, they warn that “To follow the Bible model on the issue of women’s ordination will require courage like that of our pioneers. Nevertheless, it is the only basis on which we can expect to maintain global unity, receive God’s continued blessing, and, most importantly, anticipate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to finish His work” (p. 208).
Among the varied studies produced on Women’s Ordination in the past five years in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, few illuminate so much in so compact a space as this document. The Council of Adventist Pastors encourages all to read the NAD Theology of Ordination Study Committee Report Minority Report.

Ellen G. White Equality Genesis Headship John Witcombe Male-sex specific roles Seventh-day Adventist Church Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

The Curse That Redeems

What does Ellen White tell us about the the designed relation between Adam and Eve and the effect of the Fall upon that relationship? Pastor John Witcombe takes a brief look in “The Curse That Redeems.” FIND IT HERE

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Feminist Theology Genesis Historical-Critical Method Larry Kirkpatrick Seneca Falls

Foundations of Women's Ordination, part 2: First Wave Feminist Theology

Part two of Pastor Kirkpatrick’s series tells us about first wave Feminist Theology. FIND IT HERE.

Gender Genesis Heterosexism Homosexuality Marriage Patriarchy Romans Ron Woolsey

The Devil's Test Run

Ron Woolsey notices how two great institutions from Eden are under attack. Is this the Devil’s Test Run? FIND IT HERE.

1 Peter 1 Timothy Colossians Doctrine of Unity Ephesians Gender Genesis Headship John Witcombe Submission Unity

Headship—A Path to Unity

Did male headship begin before the fall or was it instituted as a consequence of sin? Why is this question important? Pastor John Witcombe offers in this article a biblical answer showing that headship is the path to unity. Find it here!

1 Timothy Gender Genesis Gerhard Pfandl Headship Submission

Adam, Where Are You?

This sermon by Gerhard Pfandl was preached at the Tridelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church on October 27, 2012. You can benefit from it in text form here, or, in audio form here.

Gender Genesis Headship Larry Kirkpatrick

Genesis Two and Ordered Headship

New item by Larry Kirkpatrick. Discusses male and female roles and before the Fall and some preliminary discussion of ordered headship. Find it here.