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Ordination: Biblical typology male and female

Pastor Bob Stewart takes a fascinating look at some of the male and female distinctives in the Bible, along with the Christ/Bridegroom church/bride typology. FIND IT HERE.

One reply on “Ordination: Biblical typology male and female”

Thank you, Elder Stewart, for these words from your article: “When offering pre-marital counseling, I teach that every man is to represent Christ, and every woman to represent the Church. This is the divinely-inspired destiny of humankind. Every husband and wife was destined to be a walking billboard, a living representation of Christ and His bride with all that this implied. Ponder the effect of our witness to the world when Christians reflect this relationship!”
While it is true that Eve was made to be Adam’s helper, Adam is called “her strong helper” (AH 99).
I’ve been collecting the nouns used by the Bible and Ellen White to describe the husband: God’s representative, lord, priest, king, counselor, lawmaker, savior, head, adviser, house-band, and protector. “All members of the family center in the father” (AH 212).
Describing a truly converted woman, White writes: “Connected with her husband, she may aid him in his work, and become the means of encouragement and blessing to him. When the will and way are brought into subjection to the Spirit of God, there is no limit to the good that can be accomplished.”—Manuscript 91, 1908.

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