Adventist Elders Alejandro Bullon Angel Rodriguez Breaking news Calvin B. Rock Calvin B. Rock Charles Bradford Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity E-60 Ecclesiastical authority ELCA Elder Statesmen General Conference General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Guy Erwin It's Time video North American Division (NAD) Northern California Conference Ohio Conference Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) R. Guy Erwin Second Wave Feminist Theology Seventh-day Adventist Church Southeastern California Conference The larger issues Theological pluralism Time magazine Unilateral Action Unity William G. Johnsson Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

"Elder Statesmen," Women's Ordination, Church Fracture

With the approach of the General Conference session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in San Antonio, Texas in 2015, advocates of women’s ordination in the church have begun to launch new articles, videos, and websites promoting their views. Some sixty days out from the beginning of the session, six retired church leaders launched a site with video and text doing this very thing. Their site identifies them as “elder statesmen” of the church.
They argue that it is now time for the church to embrace women’s ordination on a per-division basis. They also speak of fracture in the church if women’s ordination is not permitted by the upcoming vote in San Antonio.
The Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) have viewed the site and video and the arguments of the “elder statesmen.” In the document linked to this post, CAP considers this material and reacts to the ideas and arguments presented by the retired leaders. The Council of Adventist Pastors invites delegates and readers to consider our response in reference to these serious matters.

Biblical Interpretation Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Doctrine of Holy Scripture Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Insubordination NAD TOSC Report North American Division (NAD) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Phil Mills Proverbs Sabbath School class notes Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Women's ordination and Adding to God's Word

CLICK HERE to download your copy of Phil Mills MD Sabbath School class notes “Adding to God’s Word: Humility and Truthfulness vs. Pride and Lies (Proverbs 30:1-8). While women’s ordination is not directly mentioned until the third page, the lessons are drawn sharply.
Mills’ short document makes important observations about the way the women’s ordination question has been handled by the North American Division (NAD). At the highest level the world church has repeatedly expressed its will on this matter. The NAD drive for women’s ordination has continued relentlessly. In his notes, Mills especially highlights certain basic elements in a biblical approach to determining what is God’s will in a matter. After presenting clear examples, Mills turns to women’s ordination. He refers to the 2013 NAD BRC Report to TOSC. Mills’ notes succinctly and clearly illustrate key questions.

Adventist World Breaking news Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Denis Fortin Doctrine of Unity Ecclesiastical authority Exceeding the evidence General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Gerry Chudleigh Headship Historical practice Home and church connection JoAnn Davidson Male-sex specific roles North American Division (NAD) Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Phoebe Propaganda Secrets Unsealed Seminary Seventh-day Adventist Church Stephen Bohr The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unilateral Action Unity Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

A response to Adventist World on women's ordination

Secrets Unsealed ministry has released a video featuring CAP Pastor Stephen Bohr, addressing the recent one-sided actions of the North American Division and of Adventist World magazine promoting women’s ordination.

Biblical Interpretation Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Headship Home and church connection Homosexuality Ken Mindaro Male-sex specific roles Ordination Without Regard to Gender position three Sabbath Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues TOC position two TOSC position one

On Defending Marriage and the Sabbath

Physician Ken Mindoro offers a few short but pointed lines relating to recent challenges to marriage, the Sabbath, and women’s ordination. Beware the reasoning you choose, because it may come back to bite you…

Breaking news Church governance Ecclesiastical authority Gender Homosexuality Ordination Without Regard to Gender position three The larger issues Theological pluralism United Methodist Church Unity

UMC Leaders Propose "Third Way" on Homosexuality Crisis

The Connectional Table, a United Methodist body of clergy and lay people gathered from around the world, have revealed their plans to propose a “third way” for that denomination. Addressing concerns about “unity” and a renewed “focus on mission,” the proposal would be voted on at General conference in 2016. For the UMC, the Connectional Table functions as a key leadership council for the denomination, guiding and coordinating that church’s mission, ministry and resources.
The article, published by the United Methodist news Service, is found here:
Church body proposes more open stance on homosexuality.
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, some have used precisely the same “third way” language for their proposals to permit women’s ordination on a piecemeal basis by individual unions and divisions as locally determined. Consider: can even one Christian denomination be named that has not chosen a “third way” on this kind of matter, that has not in the end settled on an unbiblical way?

1 Timothy Biblical Interpretation CAP authors Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Distinct roles Doctrine of Holy Scripture Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Ecclesiastical authority Gender General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Headship Historical-grammatical method Larry Kirkpatrick Male-sex specific roles Methods of Bible Study 1986 NAD TOSC Report Ordination Without Regard to Gender Principle-based Historical-cultural Method Redemptive movement hermeneutic Rio Document 1986 Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theological pluralism Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) TOSC position one Trajectory theology Unity Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

An Appeal to the Delegates to the 2015 General Conference Session

More than 18M members, gathered from across the globe, make up the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Every five years delegates are elected and called to General Conference session. They seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for collective leading in key decisions of the Church. This July (2015), delegates will meet in San Antonio, Texas, USA. The issue of women’s ordination is to be addressed. On two previous occasions (1990, 1995), the General Conference voted not to permit the ordination of women to the gospel ministry. The short video appeal above calls for delegates to reject the proposal to permit each division to decide for itself on women’s ordination, and that the Church instead implement TOSC position #1.

CAP authors Complimentarian Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Cultural reconstructions Culturally driven Distinct roles Gender gender-inclusive language General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Genesis Headship Heteropatriarchalism Heterosexism Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Male-sex specific roles Ordination Without Regard to Gender Patriarchy Queer Theology Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theological pluralism Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Women in Male Roles, pt. 1

Larry Kirkpatrick compares two viewpoints on human sexuality: the creation viewpoint (or essentialist or complementarian), and the constructionist. One view holds that humans are fundamentally male or female and that this is part of the created order. Another view holds that human sexuality is humanly constructed and therefore shifting, flexible, mash-up-able and humanly redefineable. Does the constructionist approach led itself to targeting institutions with an agenda of societal “transformation”? Part one opens this discussion.
FIND THE ARTICLE HERE: Women in male roles, pt. 1.

Biblical Interpretation Columbia Union Conference (CUC) Complimentarian Congregationalism Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Distinct roles Don Mackintosh Ecclesiastical authority Ellen G. White Eugene Prewitt General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Headship Historical-grammatical method Homosexuality Ingo Sorke Kevin D. Paulson Laurel Damsteegt Male-sex specific roles Netherlands Union North American Division (NAD) Ohio Conference Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pacific Union Conference (PUC) Political correctness Seneca Falls Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) TOSC position one Trans-European Division (TED) United Methodist Church Unity Utrecht General Conference Session 1995 Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Leaders speak out on WO

VIDEO SPECIAL! In this video several participants from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) share their responses to current questions about women’s ordination and the future of the church. Includes interviews with Laurel Damsteegt, Don Mackintosh, Kevin D. Paulson, Eugene Prewitt, David Read, Daniel Scarone, Ingo Sorke. LENGTH: One hour, 21 minutes.

Biblical Interpretation Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Docjin Zivadinovic Doctrine of the Church Doctrine of Unity Don Mackintosh Ecclesiastical authority Headship Jim Howard Male-sex specific roles Ordination Without Regard to Gender Phil Mills position three Secrets Unsealed Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unity Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Secrets Unsealed WO symposium presentations–Oct 3

Women’s Ordination #9 Oct 3 — “The Third Option: A Way Forward or a Step Backwards?” — Jim Howard

Women’s Ordination #10 Oct 3 — “Are Liturgical and Organizational Matters Important?” — Daniel R. Mesa

Women’s Ordination #11 Oct 3 — “Regional Ordination: A Path to Conregationalism?” 2nd Panel

Women’s Ordination #12 Oct 3 — “Reply to NAD and other Pro-Women’s Ordination Arguments” — Docjin Zivadinovic

Women’s Ordination #13 Oct 3 — “Women’s Ordination and the Jerusalem Council” — Phil Mills

Women’s Ordination #14 Oct 3 — “The Present Relevance of 1 Timothy” — Don Mackintosh

Biblical Interpretation CAP authors Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Genesis Historical-Critical Method Historical-grammatical method Homosexuality Insubordination Jiri Moskala Junia Junias Larry Kirkpatrick LCMS Male-sex specific roles Mike Lambert NAD TOSC Report Ordination Without Regard to Gender Pre-fall headship Principle-based Historical-cultural Method Queer Theology Seminary Seventh-day Adventist Church The larger issues Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Unilateral Action United Methodist Church Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

WO and the SDA Theological Seminary

Prs. Larry Kirkpatrick and Mike Lambert discuss the theological movement of denominations which approve women’s ordination and their inevitable drift into approval of same-sex unions. They consider how one and only one denomination so far has turned back from this—by reestablishing a historical-grammatical interpretive plan at their seminary. Discussion turns, with some regret, to the current situation of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary located in Berrien Springs, MI. The women’s ordination-favoring theological approach of the current dean is investigated, the core presupposition identified. 13 minutes.