CAP authors Church Manual Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Culturally driven Doctrine of Unity Ecclesiastical authority Gender General Conference Homosexuality Larry Kirkpatrick Netherlands Union Ordination Without Regard to Gender Political correctness Queer Theology Sam Allberry Same-sex attraction Trans-European Division (TED) Unilateral Action Unity Women's Ordination

Homosexuality or Christianity?

Netherlands Union again places itself in opposition to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick considers recent developments in Netherlands Union and the threat they pose to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Bible and the world church says that same-sex intimacy is immoral, but the Netherlands Union has another idea. They are again acting unilaterally to oppose the position of the world church. Read why their approach cannot continue. FIND THE ARTICLE HERE.

1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Angel Rodriguez Biblical Interpretation Complimentarian Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) Cultural reconstructions Culturally driven Deaconess Doctrine of Holy Scripture Ecclesiastical authority Ellen G. White Ephesians Eternal submission Fear tactics Gender gender-inclusive language Genesis Headship Home and church connection Homosexuality Ingo Sorke Male-sex specific roles Mothers Ordination Without Regard to Gender Phoebe Seventh-day Adventist Church Sola Scriptura Spectrum Magazine Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC) Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Sorke–Response to Angel Rodriguez

In Angel Rodriguez’ 76 page summary and analysis of the position of those pro-biblical-qualifications (anti-women’s ordination) position, Rodriguez noted several objections to materials provided by Ingo Sorke. Sorke, theology professor at Southwestern Adventist Universy and member of the Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC), read Rodriguez’ paper and offers his reaction in the paper linked here. Sorke offers a firm and clear defense of his position and response to Rodriguez’ many assertions. FIND IT HERE!