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Homosexuality or Christianity?

Netherlands Union again places itself in opposition to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick considers recent developments in Netherlands Union and the threat they pose to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Bible and the world church says that same-sex intimacy is immoral, but the Netherlands Union has another idea. They are again acting unilaterally to oppose the position of the world church. Read why their approach cannot continue. FIND THE ARTICLE HERE.

One reply on “Homosexuality or Christianity?”

Hello CAP, check out this recent article by Angel Manuel Rodriguez entitled: “Who is responsible?” You can find it at the BRI here:
Given Pastor Rodriguez’s pro women’s ordination stance, I find his analysis interesting but somewhat disturbing. The article seems to suggest a dual dominion. This quote of Pastor Rodriguez is of particular note. “Here is my suggestion for your consideration: According to Genesis, God entrusted the dominion of the planet to both Adam and Eve. In order for sin to rule over the world it would have been necessary for both of them to surrender their dominion over it. The sin of Eve was not enough for dominion to be lost. As long as one of them remained faithful to the Lord, sin/evil would not have had dominion over the world. Even though Eve sinned first, it was only when Adam sinned that sin/evil came into the world and enslaved it. The results of Adam’s trespass were in a way more serious than those of Eve’s.” Most of the EGW quotes I have read concerning this suggests that dominion was “consigned” to Adam not Eve. Moreover, there is this plain quote: “Adam was crowned king in Eden. To him was given dominion over every living thing that God had created. The Lord blessed Adam and Eve with intelligence such as He had not given to any other creature. He made Adam the rightful sovereign over all the works of His hands. Man, made in the divine image, could contemplate and appreciate the glorious works of God in nature.” (Con 10.4) I don’t understand how Pastor Rodriguez consigns a type of dual dominion to Adam & Eve given the nature of how mankind was created and distinguished in their roles. Does he consider Eve’s pre fall state as a Queen since Adam was king? If this is his angle, then I suppose it could be looked at as a type of dual dominion; however, one would not want to leave the impression even then that somehow her dominion was independent of his.

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