1 Corinthians 1 Timothy Clinton Wahlen Complimentarian Council of Adventist Pastors (CAP) General Conference Session 2015 San Antonio Ordination Without Regard to Gender Seventh-day Adventist Church Unity Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Clinton and Gina Wahlen WO Book: FREE DOWNLOADS English, Spanish, Portuguese

From Clinton and Gina Wahlen’s website:
Free Download– English, Spanish, Portuguese Editions — GC Special Until July 8, 2015
In order to encourage everyone to read and study the issue of women’s ordination up to the time it will be discussed at this year’s General Conference session, we are making an amazing FREE offer. Just click on the image below to download the book of your choice in English, Spanish, or Portuguese—and please share this page with all your friends!
cw-wodim-enWomen’s Ordination: Does it Matter? ENGLISH PDF
cw-wodim-spWomen’s Ordination, Does it Matter? SPANISH PDF
cw-wodim-poWomen’s Ordination, Does it Matter? PORTUGUESE PDF
Clinton Wahlen serves as an associate director of the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference.

6 replies on “Clinton and Gina Wahlen WO Book: FREE DOWNLOADS English, Spanish, Portuguese”

There is no question that there is an intention to change the definition of Adventism by changing the operation and center of power and authority in Adventism. Those who have this as their agenda are not being nice about it and they do not intend to be nice even after they achieve their goal. They are persistent, sleek, managers of church process. This is about conquest. They intend to rule the church and to attenuate its influence. Theirs has been a long term game. Their issue is clearly power, compromise of all of the churches systems and achievements, control of members and officers and the destruction of Adventism. They are not stupid or meek. They are determined, clever and bold. So, let us not be naive. We are at war with the enemy operating in people and we must go to the GC with that as a mindset. To argue on points of scripture is mistaken and yet important. Mistaken means we talk as if the people who are pushing this agenda are illiterate truth seekers. These are intelligent, well informed, highly educated and determined people. They have a spirit driving them to achieve the ordination of women in this church in spite of all biblical truth. We must just as inn your face as they are. Timidity has no place here.

Well written. Well argued. Scriptural and sound. The fact remains though that we are all dealing with this issue as if it is a genuine case of doctrinal development. It is not. The ORIGINS of this matter are the question, not whether conferences should be allowed to ordain or not. It is neither a matter of exegesis nor scholarship nor even mode of Biblical interpretation. It is as clearly from beneath as open spiritualism. It has the same ORIGINS as all of the current global transformation towards a heathen society because after this will follow a whole state of inebriation and enervation for the church as politics and power, STRANGE FIRE vitiates vision. What I find distressing is that positions of power and influence in some places are occupied by people who no longer represent Adventism. They represent a “new think”, a political; not spiritual think. It is a self important, intoxicated, “progressive”, liberal and very fleshly, “hurt no one’s feelings”, especially women, egalitarian and very much in the world mind set that is leading conferences, unions and divisions. It is an enervating yeast or fungus that asphyxiates the spirit of truth. Yet in all that we have some very noble and godly men and women at the helm. It is a very confusing time as men we have thought of as champions of truth surprise us with their support for positions they cannot defend from scripture. If this is not the shaking, I know not what is.

This is an outstanding book. I am proud of you Clinton and Gina for raising your voice for the church to hear. Unfortunately, the book is out only just before the GC session. Our people need to read it. If the church has already corporately taken the decision against this proposition of WO in 1995, why still bringing it up on the surface? Surely, there is a spirit of rebellion in the air, as in the ancient time. I do not understand why this is still allowed in our church. Is this democracy? Freedom of speech? Are we following in our church the US Supreme court trend on same sex marriage? God must be in control. Amen

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